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Guide: Getting Your Home Ready To Sell

Everything you need to know for getting your home ready to sell

Creating a positive first impression and maximizing its appeal to potential buyers are key goals for getting your home ready to sell. The process involves a combination of practical updates, cosmetic enhancements, and meticulous cleaning. Here’s a step-by-step guide. 

If you have any further questions about the home selling process or would like a free home evaluation contact us today!

Curb Appeal

Front Door: The front door is the focal point of your home’s exterior. Consider repainting it in a fresh, inviting color and ensuring the hardware is clean and functional. Place a potted plant or a welcoming doormat to enhance the entrance. Just think, this is where the lockbox will be placed and where buyers will have their first impression of the entry. 

Garage Door: If your garage door is dented or visibly damaged, consider repairing or replacing it. A well-maintained garage door contributes significantly to your home’s curb appeal.

Kitchen Updates

Cabinet Hardware: Update outdated cabinet hardware with modern handles or knobs. Opt for neutral colors that appeal to a wide range of potential buyers.

Countertops and Cabinets: If your budget allows, consider updating countertops or cabinets. Neutral colors and quality materials can attract buyers and provide a fresh look.


Front Yard: Enhance curb appeal by mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and adding colorful flowers or plants to garden beds. A well-maintained front yard sets a positive tone for potential buyers.

Backyard: Ensure the backyard is tidy and appealing. Clean up debris, trim overgrown plants, and create a comfortable outdoor space that showcases the property’s potential.


Pressure Washing: Clean the driveway, walkways, and porch areas using a pressure washer. Removing dirt and grime can instantly refresh these areas and enhance your home’s overall appearance.

Clean Windows: Wash both the interior and exterior of windows. Clean windows allow more natural light to enter your home, making it feel brighter and more inviting.

Professional Cleaner: Hire a professional cleaning service to perform a deep clean of your home. This includes cleaning carpets, scrubbing surfaces, dusting corners, and making your home shine.

General Repairs

Fix Leaks and Damages: Repair any visible leaks, water stains, or damages. Attend to loose tiles, leaky faucets, and other minor issues that can negatively impact the perception of your home’s condition. Also, be sure to replace any light bulbs that have burned out. 

Painting and Touch-Ups

Neutral Paint: If any rooms have bold or unconventional colors, consider repainting them in neutral shades. Neutral colors make it easier for potential buyers to visualize their own furnishings in the space.

Minor Repairs: Touch up paint on scuffed walls, repair chipped baseboards, and fix any minor cosmetic imperfections.

Decluttering and Depersonalizing

Clutter Removal: Clear out unnecessary items from countertops, shelves, and surfaces. Decluttering creates a sense of spaciousness and allows buyers to envision their own belongings in the space.

Depersonalize: Temporarily remove personal photos and items that might distract potential buyers from imagining the home as their own.


Furniture Arrangement: Arrange furniture to create an open and inviting layout that highlights the best features of each room. Consider removing or replacing bulky furniture.

Accessories: Add tasteful accessories like decorative pillows, throw blankets, and fresh flowers to enhance the ambiance of each room.

Home Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection: Consider hiring a home inspector before listing your home. Addressing potential issues beforehand can help you make necessary repairs and avoid surprises during the buyer’s inspection. Having an inspection done when getting a home ready to sell is not very common in todays market but for an older home it may be worth the money. 

Photography and Marketing

High-Quality Photos: Hire a professional photographer to capture your home’s best angles and features. High-quality photos are essential for online listings and marketing materials. Here at Nuvilla Realty, this is a service we provide to all our our seller clients. 

Virtual Tour: Consider creating a virtual tour of your home to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the property’s layout and features.

Final Walkthrough

Before listing your home, conduct a thorough walkthrough from the perspective of a potential buyer. Address any remaining issues or details that need attention.

By following these comprehensive tips and suggestions, you can ensure that your home is ready to make a positive impact on potential buyers. Creating a welcoming and well-maintained environment increases the likelihood of attracting serious buyers and achieving a successful sale.